Cape Atlantic INK is pleased to announce that, effective March 1, 2018, we have engaged Lighthouse Services, Inc. to live up to the high ethical standards that make each of us proud to be associated with our organization and recognized as a beacon of ethical behavior throughout our industry.
When Should You Use the Hotline
The Ethics Hotline is designed to receive reports regarding suspected unethical or illegal activities, such as:
- Theft, fraud, waste or abuse of resources
- Harassment or discrimination
- Accounting or financial irregularities
- On-the-job drug or alcohol abuse
- Violence or threatening behavior
- Violations of laws, regulations, policies or procedures
- Conflict of interest
- Health and safety concerns
We provide this need to all employees, interns, volunteers, youth/young adults and their families, and providers. With your efforts, Cape Atlantic INK can achieve the goals that will lead to a bright and prosperous future for all of us. The purpose of this service is to ensure that any employee, intern, volunteer, youth/young adult and their family, or provider wishing to submit a report can do so anonymously and without fear of retribution.
Since 2003, Lighthouse Services has specialized in providing independent third-party ethics hotline services to organizations of all types and sizes, with a roster consisting of more than 2,000 clients.
For your convenience, Lighthouse Services provides a toll-free number along with several other reporting methods, all of which are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for use by employees and staff. You can use any of the below listed methods to express your Hotline concerns.
- English speaking USA and Canada: 833-480-0010 (not available from Mexico)
- Spanish speaking North America: 800-216-1288 (from Mexico user must dial 001-800-xxx-xxxx)
- (must include Cape Atlantic I.N.K with report)
- (215) 689-3885 (must include Cape Atlantic I.N.K with report)
Once again, Cape Atlantic I.N.K. thanks each of you for your efforts and we look forward to continuing our work together in building a company culture based on strong core values and the highest ethical principles.